Read the Complete article here!

Saturday, February 10 at 8:00 pm
Westboro Masonic Hall
430 Churchill Ave. N. at Byron Ave.
Tickets $25 (plus fees)

Tickets and more info are available at

Tune into Canadian Spaces on CKCU-FM 93.1 on Saturday, February 3 from
10:00 am to 12:00 pm for an exclusive interview with Ron and Jim by host Teresa

You can hear songs from Ron and Jim at this link: Ron Mills and Jim Robinson

catch Jim on november 19th 2023 @ Cookshire United Church

Details Below!

October 27, 2023, Jim opens for Suzie Vinnick

More details can be found here

Drivin' Truck
Neon Lights
Wanting More
Sherlock Holmes
Wild Man
Take Me to the Waldorf
Go All The Way
Around The World
That's What He Lived For
Music Makes His World Go Round
The Woods
The Poems I Remember
He's Your Man

“I’ve worked harder and longer at this songwriting business than I’ve worked at any other job in my life. Growing up on a working farm and later becoming a long distance runner probably gave me a taste of the discipline demanded of a daily writing practice.” Songs, once written though, are meant to be shared. So, while Jim’s focus during the 14 years since his first release has been on songwriting and recording, he has also continued to perform solo gigs, open for others, do radio interviews, fundraisers, open stages and participate regularly in songwriting circles in Montreal and Ottawa.

Robinson is quick to acknowledge his indebtedness to his early musical influences as well as the help and support he’s had along the way, firstly from his longtime life and musical partner Susan Fowler. “ Lyrically and musically Susan has been my go-to person for her extraordinary ability to get at the heart of matters, asking me the right questions - the ones I may not like but need to hear and find invaluable. Secondly from Jason Lang who has produced or co-produced all 9 of my CDs. He has been my musical ally whose imagination, energy and enthusiasm, and exceptional musical and vocal skills have variously contributed to the particular arrangements each song seemed to call for.”

 “What keeps me going is the nature and possibility of relationship with others that music and songs provide. It’s kind of mysterious,” Jim observes, “personally I can be discouraged, tired, angry, afraid, embarrassed, lonely and pick up my guitar and start singing and something good happens, regardless of whether the song I play is sad, upbeat or ironic.” -Jim